Surviving Life as a NICU Mommy Part I

I have been working in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit as a nurse for only three short years. In that time I feel like I have come up pretty good ideas and advice for NICU parents, but it wasn’t until I became one myself that I truly understood every struggle. There are some resources on the internet to help, but not enough in my opinion! There is so much information I want to share, so I will be doing these in parts! Here are the first 5 tips I have! Hope you NICU mamas enjoy!

1. It’s ok to sleep while your baby is in the NICU

Ok this one seems obvious, but the mom guilt is REAL people. We tell this to parents all the time .. get some rest, this is your only chance, etc. It seems like an easy concept, but I remember being in my room recovering from a c-section and feeling guilty that I wasn’t in the NICU with my baby. YOU need to rest so YOU can better take care of your baby. If nothing is going on in the NICU, and your baby is fast asleep, trust the nurses and go get some rest your self. Even if it is only for a couple of hours.

2. Pump more often during the day and less at night.

If you are planning to breastfeed you should start pumping right away. Let me tell you pumping is no joke. It’s tiring and time-consuming, but in the long run it’s necessary if you want to continue breastfeeding. I found its easiest to go shorter stretches during the day and longer at night. Try pumping every 2-3 hours during the day and at night you should be able to have a 4-5 hour stretch. If you are not able to be with your baby at night, I always found that calling and checking on your little babe during those early morning pumping sessions helped me fall back asleep!

3. Don’t forget to take care of yourself

This goes along with number one, you have got to take care of yourself. Self care is so important but  I know from experience it is so easy to put yourself on the back burner. Try to remember you can’t help much if you are sick! Put your swollen feet up, drink lots of water, take your pain meds, and a nice hot shower! This will help your mood, anxiety, and milk supply if you are breastfeeding. My husband and I both took vitamin C supplements as well while our little one was in the NICU. The last thing we wanted was to be sick and unable to visit every day.

4. When people offer to help, let them!

I remember feeling slightly embarrassed but thankful when people would bring us gift cards to go out to eat, or coloring books to pass the time. I didn’t want people to know we needed these things, but it was honestly so helpful. If people say “I’m coming to visit, what do you need?” Tell them honestly what you need. They WANT to help and it will ease some of your stress mama!

5. Kangaroo with your baby as much as possible

Skin to skin is a wonderful thing. There have been studies that have shown all the benefits it has for mom and baby! As soon as your nurse gives you the go ahead start some skin to skin. It is wonderful to finally get that precious time with your baby. And don’t forget to let the dads get in some cuddle time as well. For me skin to skin helped ease my anxiety and helped a bit with my milk supply. Nothing is better than finally getting to love on your baby.

I hope these tips help you mommies out! I know it is hard, Hang in there

